Next to Hair & Beauty services we also offer:
Products from Keune, St. Ives. & Ecuri Cosmetics
It is important to use the right products, both in the salon as well as at home. With the right care, colors stay beautiful and curls stay longer bouncy. At the salon I have been using the products of the Dutch brand Keune for years.
After having experienced these products at the salon and you like them, you can buy them directly at the salon or through the Keune website.
It has happened more than once that customers tell me they never want to use another shampoo, conditioner or styling product again.
Keune also has an extensive line for men.

Purchase St. Ives products at the salon!
In the salon I combine result-oriented treatments with high-quality care products from the American brand: St Ives. Although this brand is still somewhat unknown in the Netherlands, it is the # 1 scrub brand in America.
The all natural ingredients and the results are another reason to choose this line of products. In addition, St. Ives does not use parabens (a preservative) that many people can be allergic to.

Purchase Ecuri Cosmetics products directly at the salon!
Ecuri is a well-known brand in the field of permanent make-up and hair growth stimulator and more.
Within my salon, I offer treatments through Ecuri to stimulate hair growth with the latest technologies and equipment. As follow-up treatments, I also offer Ecuri aftercare products.